Every story is a story of great failure

Generally failure is the initial step to success. Failure is the highway to success. Failures are the stepping stones to the success. History tells us that all stories of success are also stories of great failure. There are two sides of coin, “ Head and Tail ”. Like coin same is with life, there are also two sides “ Success and Failure ”. Generally people only see the success part, not a failure part of story. They don’t see the struggle behind the success. They always think and say “He got lucky, he must be at right place at right time”. Success is not the absence of failure. It is overcoming failure. Successful people don’t do great thing, they only do small thing in a great way. Once a successful personality Tom Watson said,” If you want to succeed, double your failure rate”. We all know about Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison as a student had only three month of schooling. He sold newspaper to earn his living. When he was trying to invent bulb, he failed approxi...