
Showing posts from April, 2018

Enemy Of Our Life - Panorama

Who is your WORST enemy in your life? I want you to ponder this question for a few seconds. What is the first thing that comes to mind? Can you take a guess at it? Let us give you a hint. It is not a physical entity. It is not even an external entity. It is internal to you. It is a trait that is common to all human beings, in fact, all living beings. It is nothing but fear. The one single entity that most often keeps us from achieving our full potential is fear- more specifically, fear of failure. No matter how hard we work, no matter how well we handle our jobs, no matter how good we are at it, somewhere deep inside, we have that slight doubt that we are not good enough. This doubt manifests into a fear of failure whenever we take up a challenge. We worry that we will fail to achieve our goal and our friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances, even random strangers will see us for the fake people we are. We will, forever, lose their respect for us. We will become som...

What is Self-esteem? - Panorama

What is Self-esteem? Self-esteem is the way we feel about ourselves. When we feel good the world looks nice, productivity goes up and relationships are a lot better. The reverse is just as true. Self-image is the way we see ourselves. Our opinion of ourselves critically influences everything, in every walk of life. Self-esteem comes from recognizing and accepting your self-worth. Acceptance of self-worth makes a person feel secure internally. Self-esteem is a major component in determining success or failure. High self-esteem leads to a happy, gratifying and purposeful life. Unless you perceive yourself as worthy, you cannot have high self-esteem. All great world leaders and teachers throughout history have concluded that one must be internally driven in order to be a success. Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish. We transfer our unconscious self-app...

Setting Worthy Goals - Panorama

Setting a goal is as much as science as it is an art. Setting a goal can take you closer to what you ultimately want to achieve. Goal should be relevant otherwise irrelevant goal can distract you from your path and end up wasting your time. It is important to indulge in things you enjoy, though they may not always be means to an end. If you truly want to live to the fullest, you need to think your goals through. There are two ways to approach this. The first is to be aware of your larger goal – what you want to achieve in the long run – and then have short-term goals to help you achieve the long-term goal. This is the ideal way to plan your life. However, we know that in life things are often far from ideal. Forget about having a long-term vision; very often we do not know what we want to do next. In this case, how do we go about planning and living our life to the fullest. If you find yourself in this situation, the best approach is to start with short-term goals about thin...