Enemy Of Our Life - Panorama

Who is your WORST enemy in your life? I want you to ponder this question for a few seconds. What is the first thing that comes to mind? Can you take a guess at it? Let us give you a hint. It is not a physical entity. It is not even an external entity. It is internal to you. It is a trait that is common to all human beings, in fact, all living beings. It is nothing but fear. The one single entity that most often keeps us from achieving our full potential is fear- more specifically, fear of failure. No matter how hard we work, no matter how well we handle our jobs, no matter how good we are at it, somewhere deep inside, we have that slight doubt that we are not good enough. This doubt manifests into a fear of failure whenever we take up a challenge. We worry that we will fail to achieve our goal and our friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances, even random strangers will see us for the fake people we are. We will, forever, lose their respect for us. We will become som...